Sunday, March 11, 2012


i may have to flip over my own bowl in order to have an all-out domicile.
language is what i do with my tongue and my other tongue, licking out
the bowls of others clumsily, and salivating very inappropriately.
in a sonagram, some thing i could later say is seen.
i hear myself later saying it and i can see it but i can’t read it.  instead i see two colors
overwarming and sliding away from me, sliding across ice on the melt made by their last fever.
dying heat.  an utterance that rotoscopes me: previously sunken, i now see,
beneath the underside of the hardened cortex of the living world.


  1. shivers, put this shit on a tombstone:
    language is what i do with my tongue and my other tongue, licking out
    the bowls of others clumsily, and salivating very inappropriately.

    i never realized this but our blogger icons are like...having drinx together
