Wednesday, December 5, 2012


do you want to watch with me
keep watch over the flake
that sticks in the tooth of your mouth.
the rustle of a breaking voice
or one that can’t go on talking
and does go on.

this burns a picture in COLOR
until its COLORS cover
the rockface you look out from.
a deadmaking in the desert
the force of your cheek muscles worsted. in thousands of lines,
i have been failing to smile at you.

the amount of time that can finally
push an embankment down.
i spit dozens of seeds
slowly out of a single tangerine. they felt like your canines thorns of your mouth
removed to mine. 

i’m going to have a dream and in my dreams you are
exactly the same, the difference is
that i display the emotions
terror and anxiety,
which makes me older than you there. 

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