Tuesday, February 12, 2013


murder sounds fun 
to the untrained dog
children write on it
with dampened chalk
because i told them
a war is on

i'm waiting for an
alien to blurt from my body

i'm watching a mouth
getting hammered by fear

i used to think about 
inventing something new 
that everyone would want to buy

remove our traces
by taking bullets back
like a hatchet

what should meeting mean
in this age

it would take hours to
cook rice in my mouth
and i'd need to be lit

i'm thinking 
how easy to starve on a farm

a revolt will fail in twenty years

nobody has to lay in the swamp
this time
i don't know that for sure

if i am in the swamp and you have a choice
don't lay next to me

a dog looks like a horse
when it runs chalked
over the blown back range

from each dormitory room
where families live
escapes a chest swelling breath

to find a swamp
i'd have to walk in a direction i don't know

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